Important Things to Know About Vision Therapy

Important Things to Know About Vision Therapy

Mar 01, 2020

Vision therapy is known as called visual therapy, vision training, or simply “VT.” It is a non-surgical and customized program focused on correcting certain vision issues. Most vision therapy performed in Canada is prescribed and monitored by a skilled optometrist.

These vision therapists are board-certified that help people suffering from visual misdiagnosis and associated symptoms like headaches, poor connection, and blurred vision. VT is a great alternative to contacts, eyeglasses, or even eye surgery. Here are the things you need to know.

Signs Your Kid Needs Vision Therapy

Here are the common symptoms that indicate that your child needs Calgary vision therapy:

  • Chronic redness or tearing in the eyes
  • Frequent eye irritation
  • Difficulty while reading (like skipping lines, reversing letters, or using a finger to maintain a place)
  • Headache complaints
  • Taking extra time to complete homework
  • Eye squinting or closing one eye
  • Holds reading material closer than normal
  • Facing difficulty in visual tracking, focusing, or alignment after 6 months
  • Tilts head to one side
  • Denying doing schoolwork
  • Poor grades in exams
  • Behavior problems
  • Lack of interest in sports

How Does Vision Therapy Work?

Vision therapy is a progressive process where the savvy therapist teaches the patient a series of different visual exercises. It is conducted in-office, 2 to 3 times a week. The therapy can last between 30 minutes to one hour.

Firstly, the therapist performs a comprehensive eye exam to
evaluate current eye condition. He or she also assess if their vision problem is compatible with therapy.

Once the patient gets qualified for vision training, the therapist recommends homework as per the visual needs of each patient. The patients need to practice that in between appointments.

Vision therapy reaps the benefits of the neuroplasticity principle of the nervous system, thereby allowing the brain to quickly adapt to external stimuli.

These exercises work to alters how you interpret the visual information.

This helps develop diverse ocular functions and prevent further progression of pre-existing sight issues.

If you have any concerns, get the best vision therapy near you.

How Much does VT Cost?

Since every treatment plan is personalized, there is no exact price of VT. Once the patient is diagnosed by a vision therapist, he or she will know the costs associated with the therapy.

Benefits of Vision Therapy

Various studies by the National Eye Institute and National Institutes of Health discovered that more than 60% of students with learning issues have undiagnosed vision issues.

It is crucial to catch and fix visual issues at an early stage so that they do not progress and affect vision badly later in life. That is why vision exams for children are conducted no later than age 5.

Vision therapy is a therapy for the visual system, including the eyes and the brain parts that control vision. Unlike conventional vision treatments, vision therapy in Calgary focuses on training the visual system to act more effectively.

It includes the use of filters, lenses, prisms, computer-assisted visual activities, and other devices to improve visual skills.

Few studies have shown that it can lower eye strain and signs of computer vision syndrome in kids and adults. Here are the advantages.

1. Boosted Self-Esteem

Vision therapy is a non-invasive method to build up visual skills and confidence. It’s the same as physical therapy and requires plenty of effort and practice to yield the best outcome. This improvement boosts your overall lifestyle and self-esteem.

2. Improved Personality

Performing weekly or bi-weekly visual therapy sessions isn’t as easy as it seems. However, when you and your child make progress, the entire persona changes.

3. Quick Cure for Vision Problems

Vision problems may interfere with the learning process and hinder other functions. However, visual therapy is effective in correcting vision problems resulting from a traumatic brain stroke or injury. This includes:

  • Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)
  • Lack of Stereopsis (two-eyed depth perception)
  • Convergence Insufficiency
  • Tracking Problems
  • Diplopia (double vision)
  • Eye Fatigue
  • Strabismus

Remember, the goal of vision therapy is to help people achieve a clear and comfortable binocular vision.

4. Better Quality of Life

Improved ocular functions and hand-eye coordination due to VT help patients regain independence over their everyday activities.

Contact Skilled Vision Therapists at Calgary

If your child faces trouble in cutting with scissors, tying shoes, catching balls or doing word search puzzles, Calgary vision therapy can help.

It can benefit your child both emotionally and physically. Our goal at Premier Eye Care is to improve the quality of life of patients.

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